CODA ZERO: CODA CURE - Pandemic Sepsis: Lessons from COVID19 - Online Event August 5th, 2020

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In exactly one week, on Wednesday, August 5th, the CODA ZERO Team will host episode 1 in a multi-series CODA CURE online events, appropriately titled ‘Pandemic Sepsis: Lessons from COVID19’.

In May 2017, the World Health Assembly identified sepsis as a global health priority. Sepsis is “a life-threatening organ dysfunction caused by a dysregulated host response to infection.” The COVID-19 pandemic has catapulted many of the challenges facing the management of global sepsis into the spotlight. What have we learned and what actions do we need to take?

In this session, CODA CURE will cover sepsis and vaccination through the COVID lens. A clear threat to global health, the burden of sepsis and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is CODA’s first priority in taking action under their CURE advocacy pillar. The CODA ZERO virtual event designed around sepsis and vaccination provides a seamless opportunity to connect and commence this advocacy agenda immediately.

CODA is a global health community that comes together to quickly generate, prove, and share revolutionary healthcare ideas to solve urgent global health challenges. CODA has four central commitments to their mission, which provide the framework for the community to act – CODA EARTH, CODA CURE, CODA EDUCATE, and CODA ETHICS.

Marvin Zick